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Dr Sanna Rimpiläinen

Dr Sanna Rimpiläinen

Head of Research and Skills

Dr Sanna Rimpiläinen heads our Research and Knowledge Management team, overseeing DHI’s research, knowledge and data management activities, and leading college engagement and skills development agendas.

She oversees the DHI’s master’s studentships in digital health and care and works to strengthen that domain across the Scottish education landscape and provides academic support to interns and postgraduate students engaged in the DHI.

Sanna’s passion is supporting and positively disrupting the workforce development provision for the existing and future health and care staff in Scotland.

She has a PhD in Education and her work at the DHI pulls together the diverse strands of her career to date, including her interdisciplinary research expertise, work with different aspects of technological innovations from inception to production, appropriation and use, her experience in producing and editing publications, and work in education, training, and event organisation.

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