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NHS volunteering

Project impact

A vision and plan for a national, digitally-supported model of volunteering

Set out the steps to transforming the current NHS Volunteering service to meet the demands of NHS Scotland, patients, and volunteers

Secured support for realising the programme through funding the transformation programme and underpinning tooling

In March 2022, NHS HIS Community Engagement commissioned DHI to define requirements for a new national Volunteer Management System (VMS). Funded by the Scottish Government, DHI developed a future model for NHS Volunteering through workshops. This model will guide VMS procurement and modernize NHS Volunteering. A market-sounding exercise informed the preliminary budget.

In March 2022 NHS HIS Community Engagement asked DHI to conduct a scoping study (‘Stage 1’) to define core functional requirements and deployment options for a new national Volunteer Management System (VMS) to replace the current Volunteer Information System with a new solution better suited to the needs of NHS Volunteering.

The project was set within the context of the new national volunteering strategy, which aims to build capacity in volunteering supported by appropriate tools, processes and models.

The Scottish Government subsequently funded DHI for ‘Stage 2’ to define the structural and operating models of the NHS Volunteering ‘future state’, and to draft key processes and new volunteering engagement models as a precursor to procuring the new VMS.  

Through a series of workshops and small group sessions with NHS Volunteer Managers from across Scotland plus Scottish Government stakeholders, a new ‘future state’ model of NHS Volunteering was prepared, including converged national processes, agreed data sets, and impact and reporting requirements for driving ongoing investment in volunteering as a key national resource.

The output was framed to inform the procurement of the VMS, and to be a template and guide for the transformation of the ‘business of volunteering’, helping NHS Volunteering evolve as a modern, coherent national service.

DHI arranged a market-sounding exercise, with the output being used by the Scottish Government to set a preliminary budget for the new service.


In March 2022, NHS HIS Community Engagement commissioned DHI to define requirements for a new national Volunteer Management System (VMS). Funded by the Scottish Government, DHI developed a future model for NHS Volunteering through workshops. This model will guide VMS procurement and modernize NHS Volunteering. A market-sounding exercise informed the preliminary budget.


HIS (listed twice) health care improvement scotland

Impact & value

Image by Jacob Padilla

The project outputs have been completed and approved by NHS HIS and has been closed. DHI worked closely with NHS HIS:CE to complete an Outline Business Case to secure funding for the new VMS and the service transformation. 

The case received broad support and has been submitted to Scottish Government for approval.  

Progress to date

Image by Jacob Padilla

Project team

Next steps

Image by Jacob Padilla
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