Project ValMed (Stages 1 & 2)

Project impact
Insights into using digital technology to understand the impact and value of particular medicines on individual patients
The project specifically addressed prostate cancer as the first use case
Benefits in tracking health outcomes were demonstrated by adopting digital health transformation
Janssen commissioned DHI and the University of Strathclyde to explore using digital technologies to measure individual interactions with their environment, focusing on prostate cancer. The project aimed to develop a methodology to assess daily functioning and the impact of medicines, determining their value to health and care providers.

Janssen commissioned DHI in collaboration with the University of Strathclyde to identify how digital technologies can be adopted and adapted to measure the interaction of an individual with their environment. This was to enable the development of a methodology that measures the day-to-day functioning of the individual to ultimately allow the project team to understand the impact of medicines on the individual and to ascertain the value to the health and care providers of that medicine.
The project specifically addressed prostate cancer as the first use case, using digital technology to understand the impact and value of particular medicines on individual patients.

By adopting digital health transformation approaches were able to be able to demonstrate benefit by: Identifying how data can track health outcomes Supporting Realistic Medicine Enabling outcome measurement in medicine assessment Improving the sustainability of healthcare Helping address health inequalities
Impact & value

The project completed a first phase which resulted in an academic landscape review with clear recommendations on how digital could assist in monitoring medicine and wellbeing for prostate cancer. The second stage was completed and a Proof of Concept specification was completed in June 21.
The project has now been closed.
Progress to date

Project team
Next steps