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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc urna est, aliquet id tincidunt id, vestibulum nec nulla. Donec elementum metus nec ante cursus, ac tincidunt mauris bibendum. Nunc porta odio ante, at ornare neque posuere id. Fusce ut odio vel arcu facilisis vulputate nec sit amet urna. Nullam ligula ipsum, cursus id purus a, elementum tempus ligula. Aenean augue nunc, aliquam sed orci quis, vehicula maximus nisi. Integer non porta elit, a egestas orci.

Suspendisse vel dapibus odio, eu aliquam ante. Aenean a tincidunt nibh, at sagittis felis. Sed ut magna nec est luctus rutrum. Nunc dui nulla, cursus vel orci id, lacinia pretium orci.

In tortor ante, sagittis id elit vitae, iaculis dignissim ex. Sed non sapien orci. Aenean eu eros vel justo sodales vestibulum at sed mauris. Nam gravida in dui quis semper. Nulla malesuada sem eget turpis eleifend convallis. Sed tempor ligula lorem, id imperdiet sapien pellentesque ut. Cras rutrum justo sit amet dolor finibus interdum. Pellentesque quis velit ut ex ullamcorper porttitor. Donec tristique neque eu ex semper ornare.


DHI collaborates with partners to co-design digital health and social care solutions to key Scottish health challenges.

DHI exchange

DHI’s space for you to innovate! Our DHI exchange is one of Scotland’s key national assets to support health and social care service transformation.

Innovation clusters

DHI facilitates a growing portfolio of Scottish innovation clusters to share learning, skills, experience and collaborate on new ideas to solve key health and social care challenges

Who we are

DHI is a key enabler and catalyst for change, occupying a unique and visible position at the heart of the innovation ecosystem for digital health and social care, in Scotland.


What we do

DHI plays a pivotal role in creating and supporting collaborations that co-design person-centred digital health and social care solutions across service, technical, and business innovation.

Our team

DHI comprises a team of multi-cultural and multi-lingual individuals, with extensive skills, experience, and a shared commitment to transform great ideas into real digital health and social care solutions.

Health and care

In the complex landscape of health and social care, numerous terms are frequently employed to describe the integration of technology in health and social care services. DHI prefers a more inclusive and simplified approach to our terminology.


Finding and engaging with relevant funding organisations can be challenging. DHI has partnered with The Data Lab to provide access to their funding finder – a search tool that leverages data and AI to navigate the UK funding system.

Design innovation

Design Innovation is at the core of DHI and runs right through its innovation process, enabling direct engagement with quadruple helix organisations and individuals to define requirements, align different perspectives, and provide a stable foundation for scalable, adoption ready health and social care solutions.


DHI collaborates with key stakeholders, at strategic and operational level, to generate a future skills pipeline into the digital health and social care sector.


DHI undertakes research, facilitates international knowledge exchange, and publishes academic outputs, grey literature, white papers and a variety of other digital resources focused on digital health and social care.


Keep up to date with the latest digital health and social care news from across the sector.


DHI is keen to support knowledge exchange and the sharing of best practice. Explore the latest digital health and social care events taking place from across the sector.

Our team

DHI comprises a team of multi-cultural and multi-lingual individuals, with extensive skills, experience, and a shared commitment to transform great ideas into real digital health and social care solutions.


Finding and engaging with relevant funding organisations can be challenging. DHI has partnered with The Data Lab to provide access to their funding finder – a search tool that leverages data and AI to navigate the UK funding system.


Keep up to date with the latest digital health and social care news from across the sector.

Who we are

DHI is a key enabler and catalyst for change, occupying a unique and visible position at the heart of the innovation ecosystem for digital health and social care, in Scotland.

Expert insights

Dive into the latest expert insights and elevate your understanding of the digital health and social care sector.

Innovation clusters

DHI facilitates a growing portfolio of Scottish innovation clusters to share learning, skills, experience and collaborate on new ideas to solve key health and social care challenges

Design innovation

Design Innovation is at the core of DHI and runs right through its innovation process, enabling direct engagement with quadruple helix organisations and individuals to define requirements, align different perspectives, and provide a stable foundation for scalable, adoption ready health and social care solutions.


DHI is keen to support knowledge exchange and the sharing of best practice. Explore the latest digital health and social care events taking place from across the sector.


DHI collaborates with key stakeholders, at strategic and operational level, to generate a future skills pipeline into the digital health and social care sector.


DHI undertakes research, facilitates international knowledge exchange, and publishes academic outputs, grey literature, white papers and a variety of other digital resources focused on digital health and social care.

Health and care

In the complex landscape of health and social care, numerous terms are frequently employed to describe the integration of technology in health and social care services. DHI prefers a more inclusive and simplified approach to our terminology.

DHI exchange

DHI’s space for you to innovate! Our DHI exchange is one of Scotland’s key national assets to support health and social care service transformation.


Staff related to the project

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