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Use of Participatory Apps in Contact Tracing: Options and Implications for Public Health, Privacy and Trust

Buchanan, W., Imran, M., Pagliari, C., Pell, J. & Rimpiläinen, S.

This report reviews digital approaches involving citizens in contact tracing efforts, addressing public health data needs, privacy concerns, technologies, and digital ethics, aiming to inform a consistent approach to digital contact tracing in Scotland, aligning with policy on secure, transparent, participatory, and privacy-respectful data sharing in response to the measures that needed to be put in place in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Expert insights and recommendations cover desirable outcomes, secure and privacy-respectful system architecture, communication standards, and ethical challenges to secure public trust, applicable to broader aspects of digital health in Scotland.

Use of Participatory Apps in Contact Tracing: Options and Implications for Public Health, Privacy and Trust
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