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Our Time to Shine: Empowering the Data, Information and Knowledge Workforce as a Driving Force for Digital Health and Care

Digital Health & Care Institute & Wales, Ann

This report summarises the outcomes of a scoping study of the Specialist Data, Information and Knowledge workforce across Scotland’s health and care. It draws together the results of a literature review, mapping of current capability frameworks, stakeholder interviews, a national survey and roundtable consultation. It aims to inform implementation planning for the Workforce Capability Domain of the Digital Health and Care Strategy , and development of the informatics capability within Public Health Scotland. Part 1 of this report presents the major conclusions from the study as a basis for moving forward: * Key overall message. * Three priorities to create a growth mindset to realise the full potential of this workforce. * Recommendations for development – including quick wins and longer term development. Part 2 provides more detail on the study approach and results which underpin the overall conclusions. This section includes project sponsorship, policy context, methodology and key points about current state and challenges for this workforce.

Our Time to Shine: Empowering the Data, Information and Knowledge Workforce as a Driving Force for Digital Health and Care
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