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Living on the Edge: Design artefacts as boundary objects

Johnson, Michael and Ballie, Jen and Thorup, Tine and Brooks, Elizabeth

Design is being performed on an ever-increasing spectrum of complex practices. As a result, there is demand on the articulation of design’s application across disciplinary boundaries. This paper explores this context through acknowledging the retained role of design artefacts in engaging complex, collaborative contexts, and a developing understanding of boundary objects. This paper expands on notions of design artefacts as boundary objects by offering reflections on existing examples from ongoing design research in the context of health and care innovation. Through the process of framing a design problem, live models are developed as dialogical tools with collaborators to validate and inform design solutions. Such models are argued to act as boundary objects that are not static, but living artefacts open to ongoing scrutiny within the design context, offering an understanding of the value and practice of design artefacts in complex, collaborative contexts.

Living on the Edge: Design artefacts as boundary objects
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