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Fostering engagement through creative collaboration

Teal, Gemma and French, Tara and Hepburn, Leigh-Anne and Raman, Sneha

Design innovation aims to tackle complex societal challenges through new design practices and bespoke methods of engagement (McAra-McWilliam, 2012). Creative collaboration is a core aspect of design innovation practice, involving diverse stakeholders including academic, business, and civic partners, and importantly end users within the design process. Consequently, the focus of design has shifted from the artefact or outcome to the design of an open and participative process that relies on the direct contextual insight of participants, their creativity and lived experience, and is inclusive of a multiplicity of perspectives. Through examples, we discuss the tools, artefacts and activities that support participants to meaningfully engage with ideas, and strategies for curating groups and managing collaboration. We share design learning regarding engagement and the resulting impact on people, processes, and outcomes, and consider how this approach may be applied in other contexts to foster engagement.

Fostering engagement through creative collaboration
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