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Code Design: the role of boundary objects in research analysis

Johnson, Michael and Ballie, Jen and Thorup, Tine and Brooks, Elizabeth

In times of rapid social, economic, environmental, and technological change designers can play a valuable role by applying their creativity to catalyse innovative solutions to address complex problems. As they do so, it becomes apparent they need to ask fundamental questions about what they make, how they make it, and who for. The mindsets and postures of designers often go unnoticed and unacknowledged, but they profoundly influence what is identified as a problem and how it is framed and addressed. This paper draws upon a research project titled ‘CO/DEsign’, which explores the application of agile co-design methods in an endeavour to understand and identify the most appropriate approach for rigorous analysis. The ‘CO/DEsign’ project argues that, while it is important to draw upon other disciplines and borrow methods such as thematic analysis, further methods should be developed that better represent and support designers and their approaches.

Code Design: the role of boundary objects in research analysis
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