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Project impact

86 good practices shared across the partner regions including 13 from Scotland 

The project facilitated interregional workshops on innovative health procurement, innovation ecosystems, and citizen tech awareness

Additional funding was secured to study COVID-19's impact on ageing, focusing on healthcare pathways and patient empowerment

The Network for Technology, Innovation, and Translation in Ageing (TITTAN) aimed to promote active, healthy ageing across Europe. Funded by Interreg Europe, DHI collaborated with six regional healthcare systems to exchange, benchmark, and implement innovative policies.

Covid-19 Projects

The Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre (DHI) was commissioned and remains actively engaged in supporting the Scottish Government’s national response to the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic through various related projects

The Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre (DHI) was commissioned and remains actively engaged in supporting the Scottish Government’s national response to the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic through various related projects

The Network for Technology, Innovation and Translation in Ageing (TITTAN) aimed to tackle the common challenge of encouraging active and healthy ageing across Europe.

Funded by Interreg Europe, DHI collaborated with 6 European regional healthcare systems to exchange, benchmark and implement good practices in policies which can foster the design, uptake and use of innovative solutions.   


The Network for Technology, Innovation, and Translation in Ageing (TITTAN) aimed to promote active, healthy ageing across Europe. Funded by Interreg Europe, DHI collaborated with six regional healthcare systems to exchange, benchmark, and implement innovative policies.


University of Strathclyde
Axencia D Corecemento En Saude
Healthy Saxony
Fondazione Regeionale per la Ricerca Biomedica
Gemeente Almere
Nieder-Schlesien Dolny Slask

The TITTAN project encouraged knowledge exchange through interregional workshops and case studies where experts and professionals from the partner regions across 3 thematic areas; How to update innovative health products/services through new public procurement practices How to promote the establishment of innovation ecosystems in the health sector How to raise citizen’s awareness about using new technologies for improving quality of life.

DHI hosted 3 in situ visits in Scotland and participated in a partner insitu visit and a final knowledge exchange conference.

Following the success of the TITTAN project, the partners were approved for additional funding to undertake further knowledge exchange activity looking at the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the ageing population with a specific focus on; Healthcare Delivery pathways Active and Healthy Ageing Ecosystems and Patient empowerment The good practice leads from TITTAN Covid-19 presented at the 3 thematic workshops. Workshop 1 was hosted by DHI and was a virtual event attended by over 30 attendees from the partner regions. A hybrid event took place in Galicia, Spain in September 2022 entitled ‘Covid and the Future of Healthcare’.

Impact & value

Image by Jacob Padilla

The TITTAN project and TITTAN Covid-19 reach completion in 2023 and delivered; A local action plan Presentation of good practices to regional partners across TITTAN and TITTAN Covid-19 thematic areas Good practices uploaded to the Interreg Good Practice Database (86 in total, 13 from Scotland) Knowledge exchange of good practices with stakeholders in Scotland including participation in in-situ visits This project is completed and closed.

Progress to date

Image by Jacob Padilla

Project team

Next steps

Image by Jacob Padilla
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