The NWE-Chance (Interreg NWE) and the Digital Innovation Hub

Project impact
Supports collaboration and knowledge exchange between SMEs and hospitals
Ensures continuous growth of industry-hospital partnerships
Delivers an Implementation Roadmap to replicate innovations in other regions and initiate similar projects and living labs
The North West Europe Interreg CHANCE Project, completed in May 2022, focused on Hospital at Home innovation for heart failure patients in the Netherlands, Germany, and Belgium. It developed SME capabilities, tested home hospitalisation platforms in three hospitals, and collaborated with DHI to establish global protocols.

The North West Europe Interreg CHANCE Project was completed in May 2022. The project focused on Hospital at Home innovation for heart failure patients with partners in the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium. The project brought stakeholders together to co-create the knowledge needed to enable innovation in-home care to happen in North-West Europe.
The project contributed to developing SME capabilities and increasing their involvement in cooperative projects in the region.
During the project, two SMEs and one larger company collaborated with three hospitals and two universities to develop and test a home hospitalisation platform. Pilots ran in three different hospitals to test the technical feasibility of the developed technologies and the organisational feasibility of home hospitalisation for heart failure patients.
DHI led the Digital Innovation Hub for Home Hospitalisation (DIH) and collaborated with partners to establish protocols, developments and specifications enabling global collaborations in hospital-at-home activities across industry, health services and academia.

This Digital Innovation Hub was developed by DHI and was launched to:
• Support the collaboration and knowledge exchange between SMEs and hospitals
• Ensure continuity and growth of the collaboration between industry and hospitals
• Deliver an Implementation Roadmap to multiply the innovations in other regions and initiate similar
projects and living labs
• Develop an infrastructure to enable knowledge sharing and collaboration to be replicable across other
activities such as projects and disease groups of other areas of digital health and care.
Impact & value

The Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) was completed as a deliverable of the NWE Chance project in May 2022. Following that completion, the DIH was onboarded in June 2022 as a two year project to develop wider usage.
It has continued to be hosted, developed and managed by DHI and has now become Business as Usual to support wider knowledge sharing across digital health and care communities, projects and wider engagement work. The DIH has expanded to include the Moray RCE Citizen Panel.
On-going maintenance of the Digital Innovation Hub and on-going expansion of its usage
Progress to date

Project team
Next steps