Rural Centre of Excellence for Digital Health and Care Innovation in the Moray Region

Project impact
12 simulations and 5 Living Labs
2-4 Significant inward investments and 30-50 high value jobs created
Enhancement of existing local health and care/digital-related certified courses to include digital health and care-related modules
The £5m Rural Centre of Excellence for Digital Health and Care (RCE), funded by the UK Government and managed and delivered by the Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre (DHI), aims to advance Scotland's digital health agenda and support economic recovery. It includes a Demonstration & Simulation Environment (DSE) in Elgin and Living Labs for innovation collaboration across Moray.
The Rural Centre of Excellence for Digital Health and Care Innovation (RCE) is a £5M project funded by the UK Government through the Moray Growth Deal. Delivered by Scotland’s National Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre (DHI) and focussed on the Moray local authority area, the initiative plans on becoming a key driver of the country-wide digital health & care agenda being promoted in Scotland and as a critical component of the remobilisation and economic recovery strategy.

The primary aim of the RCE is to generate inward investment and high-value jobs in the region under the umbrella of the growth deal, in addition, co-creating digital assets will benefit health and social care services and citizens too.
The RCE consists of an infrastructure and 5 living labs (projects) that will deliver assets capable of standalone adoption. The significant impact, however, on health and social care services and the user experience comes from the sum of these parts across the full health and care journey through a unique and innovative integrated approach.
In addition, we have a skills strand aiming to create additional education opportunities to support the transformation of health and social care. This work looks at various aspects of Skills & The Future Workforce through the development and provision of courses and skills, including supporting Living Lab methodology and technical testing.
Impact & value

Living Lab 1 - Supported Self-Management and Living Lab 2 - Long-Term Conditions Co-Management (NHS) are being developed over three consecutive campaigns in partnership with the NHS diabetic and dietetic services, focusing on those living with type 2 diabetes and high BMI.
The first R&D campaign will allow participants to access recommended diet and lifestyle management via the community connections platform and link them to community services such as Moray Leisure Centre (MLC) for targeted support. Campaigns 2 and 3 will develop digital tools to link those being supported by MLC with the dietetic (LL1) and dietetic (LL2) clinical teams via a PDS as required.
Living Lab 3 - Care in Place aims to support easier access to social care services for both unpaid carers and frail older people being cared for, through access to a directory of local and national services, support and information in one place, which can be linked to a Personal Data Store (PDS): data can be reused to refer to services without the need for patients to retell their story. This workstream has now completed development of the first phase of the Community Connections platform and the PDS and will now move this to real-world testing.
Progress to date

Project team
Living Lab 4 - Smart Housing/Communities and Living Lab 5 - Mental Well-being are currently in the early stages of development. These initiatives are set to advance significantly over the next 12 months, with focused efforts on defining project objectives, engaging key stakeholders, and securing the necessary resources.
The goal is to rapidly accelerate their progress, ensuring that both Living Labs deliver impactful innovations in their respective areas, contributing to the broader goals of enhancing smart housing solutions and improving mental well-being within communities. As these projects evolve, they will involve extensive collaboration with industry partners, researchers, and community representatives to ensure that the solutions developed are practical, scalable, and address real-world needs.
Next steps