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Atrial Fibrillation

Project impact

An evaluation report and service model for integrating a digital device into new stroke care standards of care

Device trialed with 60 patients

The Atrial Fibrillation (AF) project, a collaboration between DHI, NHS Lanarkshire, the University of Strathclyde, Napier University, and Bardy, aimed to detect paroxysmal AF using continuous monitoring devices. It focused on reducing stroke recurrence and supporting new stroke standards through co-design and evaluating digital device implementation.

The Atrial Fibrillation (AF) project is a collaboration between the DHI, NHS Lanarkshire, the University of Strathclyde, Napier University, and industry partner, Bardy, to investigate the use of a continuous monitoring device to detect paroxysmal (or intermittent) AF.

The purpose of this project was to identify and utilise digital technologies to help reduce the likelihood or recurrence of stroke and to support new national stroke standards in an efficient and effective way. This was achieved using co-design methodology to establish the current state and a potential future state of the service incorporating a digital device.

Implementation of this future state was then carried out and evaluated, with a particular focus on the experience of patients and health professionals. A robust evaluation report was produced which considered the barriers and enablers to deploying and using a digital device to support the new stroke standards, at scale.


The Atrial Fibrillation (AF) project, a collaboration between DHI, NHS Lanarkshire, the University of Strathclyde, Napier University, and Bardy, aimed to detect paroxysmal AF using continuous monitoring devices. It focused on reducing stroke recurrence and supporting new stroke standards through co-design and evaluating digital device implementation.


NHS Lanarkshire
Napier University

Impact & value

Image by Jacob Padilla

The Bardy DX ECG Ambulatory Monitoring device was deployed in the service and trialled with 60 patients. This process was thoroughly evaluated in terms of the barriers and enablers to implementing such a device;

• The service evaluation produced a report "Process Evaluation for Technology Enabled Atrial Fibrillation Screening after a Stroke in Scotland" which includes a Current State Map; a New Service Map; a Market Review and Literature Review Report; Healthcare Professionals and Patient Stories and Cost Analysis; Evaluation and Adoption at Scale Recommendations; and a Checklist for service managers, clinicians and policy makers to consider in the wider implementation of this ‘future state’ of the service;

• To support the Service Innovation work, a series of in-depth interviews with healthcare staff were carried out using a bespoke visual mapping tool, exploring the current context surrounding care for people screened for AF following a stroke. Following implementation, the experiences of healthcare professionals and patients were captured and the insights were used to produce a detailed Interactive Pathway (the future state) with an overview of challenges and opportunities, which has been published as part of the final report.

Progress to date

Image by Jacob Padilla

Project team

Next steps

Image by Jacob Padilla
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