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Launching the Innovation Centres’ Roadshow Tour 2024-25 at Edinburgh College

There was a palpable buzz and determination in the air at Edinburgh College on Wednesday, November 27th, following the first Innovation Centres’ Roadshow of 2024-25. This event marked a significant step towards fostering strategic collaboration across institutions and sectors for innovation and skills development in East of Scotland.

A woman standing at a podium presenting to an audience

The day brought together Scotland’s four national innovation centres (ICs) to unveil their ambitious 10-year plans, relaunch their skills and workforce development agendas, and highlight the support they offer to colleges and universities. Organised by the Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre (DHI), the roadshow day provided an in-depth look at the digital transformation of health and care.

Group shot of 10-year strategies' panel discussion

The morning began with a warm welcome from Jon Buglass, Vice Principal of Innovation Planning & Performance at Edinburgh College. Opening remarks were delivered by Janette Hughes, Director of Planning & Performance at DHI, followed by a strategic keynote address from Fiona Bates, Senior Policy Officer at the Scottish Funding Council. The presentations on the Innovation Centres’ 10-year strategies set the stage for a lively and insightful panel debate. This discussion, hosted by Dr Sanna Rimpiläinen, Head of Research & Skills at DHI, delved into the impact of digital transformation on the health and social care workforce, focusing on the evolving skills and capabilities required. The panel featured representatives from both the health and social care sectors and regional further and higher education institutions.

A recording of the presentations and the panel debate will be available soon.

During lunch, attendees had the opportunity to network and tour the college’s Digital Care Hub. The afternoon sessions included breakout discussions dedicated to each of the four innovation centres, exploring their specific areas of interest. Additionally, the college hosted a VR Dementia workshop, offering a hands-on experience of innovative care solutions.

The day concluded with a fireside chat featuring representatives from Edinburgh City Chambers, Skills Development Scotland, and Edinburgh College. This reflective session focused on the day’s learnings and the future of innovation and skills development in the East of Scotland.

This event was the first of four regional Innovation Centres’ Roadshow events planned over the next 9-12 months. Each IC will lead one regional event, focusing on their respective domains. The next event will be organised by Built Environment – Smarter Transformation (BE-ST) in the South, followed by the Industrial Biotechnology Innovation Centre (IBioIC) in the West, and The Data Lab in the North.

Stay tuned for dates, times, and locations!


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