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Healthy Ageing Innovation Cluster (HAIC) 

The Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre (DHI) facilitates Scotland’s Healthy Ageing Innovation Cluster (HAIC) on behalf of key partners including the Digital Office for Local Government, Scottish Enterprise, Highlands & Islands Enterprise, Enterprise Europe Network and the European Connected Health Alliance. 

It is a powerful collaboration of shared strategic interests from policy, health, housing and care, enterprise in Scotland and Internationally with a common endeavour. 

Healthy Ageing person using Iphone

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HAIC builds on the principles of Ageing 2.0, which is an international, interdisciplinary, and intergenerational community that strives to address the biggest challenges and opportunities in ageing. To date, HAIC has been focusing on identifying, and giving a Scottish context to, opportunities within the Aging 2.0 Grand Challenges. 

We work with our partners to promote positive approaches to healthy ageing, using digital solutions and services to transform care. We have a wealth of knowledge, learning and experience to share through the membership of our cluster. 



The current focus within the Healthy Ageing Innovation Cluster (HAIC) is to: 

  1. Create a collective of shared interests, expertise and skills 

  2. Share information and support knowledge exchange 

  3. Build collaborations that are greater than the sum of the individual parts 

  4. Seek and solve demand-led challenges 

  5. Identify funding/ host challenge opportunities 


The goal of this cluster is to develop impactful innovations that support and lead to improved health outcomes for our communities. By fostering collaboration among industry representatives, healthcare professionals, academics, and citizens, HAIC aims to develop and implement solutions that address the Ageing 3.0 Grand Challenges. Through these efforts, we strive to create a significant positive impact on the quality of life and health outcomes for people across Scotland. 


Healthy Ageing Innovation Cluster logo

Report on Health Ageing 2.0 Key Challenges: High-Level Review of the Scottish Context

The World Health Organisation defines Healthy Ageing as maintaining functional ability for well-being in older age. The Aging 2.0 Grand Challenges report identifies 8 key challenges, including Brain Health, Care Coordination, and Financial Wellness.

The World Health Organisation defines Healthy Ageing as maintaining functional ability for well-being in older age. The Aging 2.0 Grand Challenges report identifies 8 key challenges, including Brain Health, Care Coordination, and Financial Wellness.

SBDRP Impact Report

The Social Behavioural & Design Research Programme Impact Report is packed with information about the Research Programme, our projects, what we achieved and there are links to videos and podcasts so that you can see and hear about our impact too.

The Social Behavioural & Design Research Programme Impact Report is packed with information about the Research Programme, our projects, what we achieved and there are links to videos and podcasts so that you can see and hear about our impact too.

Adding life to years: healthy ageing challenge impact report

Final report for the UKRI healthy ageing challenge demonstrating the impact from investment in academia, social enterprises, and businesses.

Final report for the UKRI healthy ageing challenge demonstrating the impact from investment in academia, social enterprises, and businesses.

Optimising care transitions for people with multiple long-term conditions report

The latest briefing paper from the SET4 team reflects on their recent stakeholder engagement workshops.

The latest briefing paper from the SET4 team reflects on their recent stakeholder engagement workshops.

Technologies to enable independence for people living with dementia funding

Apply for funding to develop a NetworkPlus focused on the use and development of novel tools and technologies to enable people to live independently with dementia.

Apply for funding to develop a NetworkPlus focused on the use and development of novel tools and technologies to enable people to live independently with dementia.

Healthy ageing spotlight


To support knowledge exchange we share all relevant HAIC related assets and information with our network.

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